29 August, 2016

What are the consumer demand for cotton | Cotton Demand for consumers

The main consumer demand for cottonVersatalityCotton will serve for food (cotton seed products), for wear and for shelter. Cotton fibre are often need to spin alone. Or it often has to integrate with alternative textile fibres like linen, wool, silk, rayon, polyester, nylon, etc. Thus, it... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/what-are-the-consumer-demand-for-cott...

28 August, 2016

The ancient history of silk | Textile Silk history | Silk and its history

The history of silk is known as follows.History of Silk in textile productionSericulture or silk production incorporates a long and colourful history unknown to most of the people. For hundreds of years the west knew little or no regarding silk and other people who created it pliny. The... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/the-ancient-history-of-si...

27 August, 2016

Stage by stage Silk production steps | Silk Manufacturing methods

Here is the stage by stage silk production step. There is a regular way follows for silk production. Here is a brief description of silk production.Stage by Stage Silk ProductionSilk worms take advantage of mulberry leaves and so for rearing them, the growing of mulberry  trees is that ... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/stage-by-stage-silk-production-ste...

23 August, 2016

Various types of silk used in textile | Uses of Silk in textile manufacturing

Various types of silk used in textile.Various types of silk depends on the following characteristics.Wild silk: Silk made by moths of species aside from silkworm moth. It's brown in color a lot of uneven and coarser. Basically we call it Tussar silk. Thereafter, this is wild silk.Waste... Read full to http://texpedia.org/plabon/various-types-of-silk-used-in-texti...

22 August, 2016

What is plain weave | Plain weave construction | Plain weave fabric properties

Plain Weave, Constraction and PropertiesPlain weave is the handiest of all the weaves. Approximately seventy percent of the woven fabrics are available inside the market nowadays. It forms through interlacing warp and filling yarns in a sample of over one and beneath one. In the  second ... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/plain-weave-plain-weave-construction-plain-weave-fabric-properti...

Combed Yarn Manufacturing Flow Chart

Process Flow Chart of Combed Yarn ManufacturingCombed yarn manufacturing process are bit lengthy as this is more uniform & stronger than carded yarn. Here is the process of combed yarn manufacturing step by step- Input                  --->                       Process          ... Read full to http://texpedia.org/jahangirobscure/combed-yarn-manufacturing-flow-cha...

19 August, 2016

Carded Yarn Manufacturing Flow Chart

Manufacturing Process of Carded YarnYarn can be produced by two method. One is Carded yarn manufacturing method and another is Combed yarn manufacturing method.Carded yarn contains a wider range of fiber lengths. It is less uniform & stronger than combed yarn. It is considerably cheaper... Read full to http://texpedia.org/jahangirobscure/carded-yarn-manufacturing-flow-cha...

12 August, 2016

Basket Weave : Definition, Classification and Types

Basket WeaveBasket weaves could be a balance weave. During this 2 or additional yarns in each warp and weft needs to treat mutually. And reticulated as in taffeta weave. the material with cloth have. Flenth and if the count isn't terribly high the material is even porous and pliable.Types... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/basket-weave-definition-classification-typ...

Twill Weave : Definition, Structure and classification

Twill WeaveTwill weave forms Wales diagonally across the face of the fabric. The complex of warp and filling yarns with a progression of 1 at the purpose of complex often causes this . A variation of this weave is “Herringbone” structure . During this the diagonal direction reversed pur... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/twill-weave-definition-structure-classificati...

What is sateen weave in textile fabric manufacturing

Sateen weaveSateen Weave is a variation of weave. It's classified by having weft yarn floats on the fabric surface. These are fewer lustrous and fewer sturdy as filling yarns are typically weaker comparing to warp yarns. And, it create the luster and softer feel of fabric through the weave... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/what-is-sateen-weave-in-textile-fabric-manufacturi...

Weaving stability and end uses | stability of weave and end use

The Weaving stabilityWeaving stability depends on the procedure of weaving. When suitableness may be a major issue, the buyer ought to rigorously contemplate the top use. Or the aim that the material is using weave materials. That we firm and get regarded to a lot of serviceable as we... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/weaving-stability-end-uses-stability-weave-end-u...

03 August, 2016

Loom and Its Classifications | Classification of loom based on fabric type

Definition of LoomLoom and Its classifications are the main topic of making a woven fabric. Loom is a mechanical device which interweaves yarns into a fabric. Usually there are two sets of yarns ( warp and weft, make the fabric interlacing each other).Loom and its classificationsThe... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/loom-and-its-classificatio...

02 August, 2016

What is loom | History of Modern Loom | Loom used in textile industry

What is LoomIf you want to know what is loom? Then this article for you. The principles of weaving area unit notable terribly clearly maybe a protracted past as 400BC. Our ancestors knew the way to create baskets and mats by complex twigs, reeds and grasses. Later they learned the way to... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/what-is-loom-history-of-modern-lo...

01 August, 2016

How to do colorfastness to rubbing or crocking | Dry and Wet rubbing test procedure

Colorfastness to rubbing or crocking is a basic testing procedure of a garments or fabric. After producing fabric it is badly need to take a test of crocking. Crocking is like rubbing a period of time with a minimum cycle. So here we are showing you how to do colorfastness to crocking.... Read full to http://texpedia.org/texpedia/colorfastness-to-rubbing-crocking-dry-wet-rubbing-test-procedu...

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