13 December, 2010

Different Machineary Used in Printing

Curing  machine (01) SpecificationCompany name : HEBBECHEKER Model  :VY-1500-4000-g-IR Volt:400 H3 Power :El.kw-14.6amp Weight  : Kg-1500 Made in : Germany- 2004   2. Gas Heating Machine SpecificationCompany name : HEBBECHEKER Model: TS-R Volt: 400 H3 Power : E.L.KW- 2.2 Amp Weight: 180 kg Made in : Germany- 2005  Fabric Heating Machine:       SpecificationCompany name : HEBBECKER Model No: Magic 5000 Volt: 400 H3 Power : EL.KW: 9.3 Amp Weight : 44 kg Made in : Germany-2005 There are also many machinery used in textile printing to see the machinery click the following linkTextile...

12 December, 2010

Types of textile Printing

              Hand Printing        Block Printing        Screen Printing        Spray Printing        Kalamkari        Batik        Discharge Printing        Tie and Dye There are so many types of textile printing. During ancient moment people used to different types of natural resources for the use of dye. After the discovering of dye or chemical the quality and processing has been developed. The above methods are mostly used in the field of textile printing. For More detailes...........Click...


What is Printing                         1)      The art process of producing image or text material by means of a device or implement, such as a stamp, die, ink or seal, used to press markings onto or into a surface ·        The act of pressing (a mark or design, for example) onto or into a surface.2)      The business of producing products which are formed or marked by such a device {readmo...

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